The Catalyst's
Learning Bites
Zoom Doom
This is the takeaway session offered to the attendees of the L&D Hub Conference 2021 on humanizing the virtual learning experience.
This learning bite contains the different segments of the session with further details and references to get back.
The Oracle
This learning bite is about the collaborative storytelling game "The Oracle".
The game was conducted & introduced for the first time during Gamicon's virtual conference on the 23rd of Feb 2021, where it was conducted live to the conference's attendees who experienced a 90 min immersive experience with 6 teams competing & collaborating collectively to finish the game with the highest possible outcome & learning.
The piece below features one of the 6 story boards that were presented to the teams (Oracles) orienting them into the game.
Becoming An ID
If you’re passionate about helping others learn as an instructional designer, it’s important to first invest in your own education. Unlike doctors and lawyers who need a specific degree to work in their field, there is not one set path to become an instructional designer.
However, most instructional designers hold at least a bachelor’s or master’s degree. And their learning doesn’t stop there - instructional designers are constantly updating their skills to stay current with the latest technology and learning theories.
In this miniature summary, you will finds a brief about the first steps you should consider delving into the field of instructional design. This was a takeaway lesson sent to the audience attending the "Experiencing Learning" Podcast on Crowdcast.
Gamification In A Nutshell
The term gamification seems to be the latest buzzword in the learning realm. Every learning related journal, magazine, and blog seems to have the need to associate their name with the term, praising the merits of this "learning strategy" in making training more efficient. But what is Gamification?
Gamification is basically the use of game mechanic in non-game contexts.
In this brief learning lesson, you will get learn furthermore about the term gamification and the different nuances associated with it, plus a collection of resources to go through about the this learning strategy.
Training & Technology
This was delivered asa takeaway message to attendees of Qualiphi Summit to be reference that they can get back to on the different discplines and trades in the field of training & development. Also, there are various sources included on how to pursue the different possible tracks in the trade.
The Diversity Wheel
An interactive image showing the many nuances of diversity in an organization.
This was presented in the midst of a gamified program on competency based interviews and recruitment.

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